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As a thank you for joining us today, we would like to share with you some tools that will help you gain purposeful direction in your business. These tools will give you what you need to be more intentional with your time and provide more value to your clients. Read more about the tools below.


Watch the full webinar here!

Free Resources - DSH

Daily Success Habits Tracker

The Daily Success Habits Tracker helps you record simple data so you can see how much you actually accomplish in your day-to-day routine. Using the tool consistently to earn 61 points of rhythm daily encourages you to develop healthier work habits that pay out! The DSH tracker holds you accountable to only the tasks that matter most in your business, keeping you focused day in and day out on dollar-producing activities.


My Perfect Week Scheduler

My Perfect Week Scheduler

The My Perfect Week Scheduler makes it easy to have full, productive days that feel like a breeze. Know what a perfect week looks like for you by blocking time for not only your business agenda but also your personal life! This tool is designed to help you create work-life balance while completing all your daily tasks. Get clarity and accountability for your perfect routine and profitability will follow!


Free Resources - Top 50 Tracker

Top 50 Tracker

Why do we focus on lead generation — even purchasing leads — with people who we don’t even know, and more importantly, who don’t know us? Your Top 50 is a list of 50 people that already know, like, and trust you and who you believe will send you at least one referral this year. Make your list of exactly 50 and keep notes and important info on your plan to nurture and reach out to this database through personal, meaningful touches. These relationships are your key to success in real estate — serving them will allow you to serve many more!


interest rate offset

Interest Rate Offset System

Rates are the highest they’ve been in two decades! It’s no wonder your clients might be reluctant to buy when rates were just so low. What they probably don’t know is that there are incredible ways to game their interest rates—and you can show them how it works! With the Interest Rate Offset System, you can become the expert who knows how to quiet your clients’ high-interest fears!